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Berdasarkan penyelidikan global dijalankan McCann Worldgroup, perniagaan memerlukan anjakan terutama daripada segi pemikiran tentang model perniagaan dan memikir semula penciptaan nilai jenama untuk berjaya dalam dunia jaringan sosial.
Menurut kajian bertajuk, The Truths About Social yang dijalankan merentasi 19 negara dan disertai lebih 30 kumpulan fokus dan 12,000 respons secara talian telah mendedahkan pandangan tentang semua berkaitan dengan dunia sosial termasuk melalui jaringan, sosial, bukti dan perniagaan sosial.
Pengarah Kumpulan Perancangan Penjenamaan dan Inovasi, McCann Worldgroup Malaysia, Dr Milan Agnihotri berkata, kebanyakan pengguna menggunakan media sosial untuk berinteraksi dengan jenama dan mendapatkan khidmat pelanggan yang lebih baik.
”Mereka juga memuji sesuatu pengalaman, meluahkan perasaan, mengutip maklumat dan mendapatkan tawaran lebih baik,” katanya.
Menurutnya, kesemua kajian menunjukkan, pengguna merujuk kepada jenama melalui pengguna atau blogger berpengaruh.
Beliau berkata, dalam golongan usia 16 hingga 30 tahun, 90 peratus daripada mereka akan memberitahu kepada rakan, tentang sesuatu syarikat atau jenama itu mampu meyakinkan mereka.
“Jelas sekali manfaat dan pengaruh media sosial terhadap pengguna Internet semakin cepat memberi impak kepada dunia perniagaan.
“Media sosial menjadi platform untuk berkongsi idea, menilai jenama dan perniagaan yang tidak bertanggungjawab,” katanya.
Pengguna memainkan peranan besar dalam mengubah perniagaan yang berorientasikan keuntungan kepada perusahaan yang bermatlamat. Potensi ganjaran untuk syarikat dan jenama amat besar terutama peluang untuk menjadi jenama global yang dipercayai pengguna. -SH
FACEBOOK adalah rangkaian media sosial yang paling pantas berkembang pada masa kini dan dianggarkan hampir separuh daripada pengguna Internet dunia mempunyai akaun Facebook. Setiap hari beribu-ribu pengguna baru mendaftarkan diri untuk menggunakannya.
Pada saat artikel ini ditulis, terdapat 12,268,300 penduduk Malaysia yang mempunyai akaun Facebook iaitu hampir separuh daripada jumlah penduduk dan nombor itu juga mewakili 70 peratus daripada populasi dalam talian Malaysia.
Fakta-fakta itu menyokong mengapa Facebook menjadi laman web nombor satu paling ramai dilayari di Malaysia dan juga kebanyakan negara lain.
Bayangkan potensi yang sangat besar ini serta pengaruh yang boleh dibawa melaluinya untuk membina jenama dan seterusnya mempromosikan sebarang produk atau perkhidmatan kepada 12 juta bakal pelanggan! Satu peluang yang seharusnya direbut segera oleh mana-mana usahawan untuk melonjakkan perniagaan mereka.
Jika dibandingkan dengan medium lain seperti akhbar, majalah, radio dan televisyen, Facebook mempunyai kelebihannya yang tersendiri dalam menghubungkan terus pelanggan kepada perniagaan anda kerana sifatnya sebagai ruang untuk bersosial.
Manusia secara semulajadinya memang memerlukan kehidupan sosial tetapi kesibukan harian untuk bekerja dan mencari rezeki telah membataskan keperluan itu, tetapi apabila Facebook muncul, ia bagai mengisi kekosongan dalam jiwa mereka.
Tetapi persoalannya bagaimana untuk mengeksploitasikan kelebihan ini semaksimumnya untuk kebaikan perniagaan dan keusahawanan? Jika diperhatikan pada wall bila kita masuk ke dalam akaun Facebook, saya percaya anda mungkin sudah boleh lihat pelbagai ragam orang dalam mempromosikan apa-apa produk dan perkhidmatan mereka.
Ada sebahagiannya mengiklankan terus dengan memberikan pautan, memaparkan gambar produk, menandakan (tag) nama anda pada imej tertentu, mempromosikan tawaran-tawaran diskaun dan lain-lain. Ini adalah minda pengiklanan cara lama yang dibawa dari medium-medium tradisional. Dalam dunia teknologi, orang mudah meluat dengan pengiklanan seperti itu dan di dalam Facebook mereka mempunyai kuasa untuk menapisnya atau memblok terus.
Teknik menanda gambar produk dengan nama rakan-rakan juga sebenarnya agak tidak senonoh dan seringkali membuatkan orang tidak selesa. Bayangkan jika ada rakan menampalkan iklan mereka di atas belakang kita tanpa disedari dan kita berjalan-jalan di tempat awam. Nampak bodoh bukan?
Kadang-kadang kita juga mungkin ada menerima permintaan dari 'Kedai Emas', 'Jom Cuti', 'Karipap Sedap' atau nama-nama pelik lain lagi untuk menjadi rakan Facebook anda.
Cuba fikirkan, jika kita suka pada karipap, kita sudah tentu tidak akan berkawan dengan karipap, tetapi sebaliknya dengan orang yang membuat karipap itu, kerana karipap tidak boleh bersosial, begitu juga dengan kedai atau apa-apa jenama, sebaliknya kita bersosial dengan manusia. Komunikasi sebenar hanya wujud bila ada sentuhan nurani manusia dalam jalinan perhubungan. Ingat, Facebook adalah medium sosial.
Menggunakan Facebook sebagai medium untuk mempromosikan jenama atau perniagaan, anda kena lakukannya secara berhemah dan betul. Membuka akaun kedua atau menggunakan nama perniagaan sebagai profil di Facebook bukan sahaja salah di sisi peraturan Facebook tetapi juga adalah kaedah yang tidak profesional dan boleh merosakkan jenama perniagaan kita dalam jangka masa panjang.
Cara yang sepatutnya ialah dengan menghasilkan laman Facebook anda sendiri, ia adalah seperti membina laman web di dalam Facebook tetapi lebih mudah. Sebelum ini laman Facebook banyak digunakan oleh artis atau komuniti tertentu untuk membina laman peminat (fan page), tetapi keupayaan sebenarnya adalah jauh dari itu. Anda boleh mengendalikan perniagaan dalam talian anda sepenuhnya melalui Facebook tanpa memiliki laman web pun!
Untuk mencipta laman untuk perniagaan anda sendiri adalah cukup mudah, hanya klik pada pautan Create A Page pada bahagian bawah Facebook dan kemudian pilih kategori, muat naik logo atau gambar profail syarikat, masukkan maklumat asas, jemput rakan-rakan dan semuanya siap dalam masa seminit-dua sahaja.
Anda boleh menggunakan laman yang dihasilkan itu untuk tujuan perniagaan anda, sama ada untuk mendidik bakal-bakal pelanggan tentang produk atau perkhidmatan perniagaan anda, memaklumkan tentang apa-apa aktiviti atau perkembangan terbaru, serta membuat promosi tentang apa yang anda jual.
Laman itu juga berfungsi sebagai ruang untuk anda melayan kerenah pelanggan ibarat talian khidmat pelanggan seperti yang dimiliki oleh syarikat dan korporat besar!
Apa yang anda perlu lakukan di peringkat awal ialah untuk mengajak seramai mungkin rakan-rakan untuk like laman anda, serta menggalakkan mereka berkongsi laman anda dengan rakan-rakan mereka yang lain pula.
Jika profail Facebook anda hanya dibenarkan mempunyai sekitar 5,000 rakan sahaja, tetapi laman Facebook anda boleh mempunyai pengikut dan peminat yang tiada hadnya walaupun berjuta.
Menggunakan laman itu juga, anda tidak lagi perlu 'menceroboh' dan menulis di wall orang lain untuk membuat promosi, sebaliknya apa yang anda tulis di laman anda akan tersiar di wall setiap pengguna Facebook yang like laman anda tidak kira sama ada mereka rakan anda atau tidak, dan ini semuanya adalah percuma!
Terdapat banyak cara yang boleh anda gunakan untuk meramaikan peminat atau pengikut laman anda dan boleh dipelajari dengan merujuk kepada pautan http://www.putera.com/2012/02/.
Apa yang penting, anda perlulah rajin untuk menulis dan mengemaskininya dengan kandungan yang bermanfaat kepada pengguna. Contohnya jika anda adalah pengusaha karipap segera, anda boleh gunakan laman itu untuk berkongsi cerita tentang kenapa karipap segera wajar menjadi barangan runcit yang sentiasa perlu dibeli oleh suri rumah yang tidak punya masa untuk membuat karipap sendiri. Saya percaya ramai peminat karipap yang suka makan karipap tetapi tidak tahu bagaimana atau tidak ada masa untuk membuatnya sendiri.
Sesekali berkongsilah apa-apa cerita lucu yang berkaitan dengan karipap. Sesuatu yang lucu seringkali mudah menyentuh perasan orang dan mereka senang hati untuk berkongsi cerita itu dengan rakan-rakan mereka pula.
Orang selalunya akan berkongsi cerita yang menarik atau berguna dengan rakan-rakan mereka. Perhatikan apa yang dibualkan oleh pakcik-pakcik yang lepak di kedai kopi dan perhatikan apa yang digosipkan apabila makcik-makcik bertandang ke rumah jiran. Dalam bersosial tidak kira di mana, manusia memang cenderung untuk berkongsi cerita, dan tidak terkecuali Facebook, sebab itulah ada pautan untuk berkongsi (share).
Apabila pengguna Facebook berkongsi cerita dari laman anda, tanpa disedari mereka sebenarnya sedang mempromosikan perniagaan anda, dan cara halus sebegini sebenarnya lebih berkesan berbanding iklan biasa-biasa seperti "Dapatkan karipap paling sedap di dunia!".
Dalam menjadikan laman perniagaan anda lebih menarik, gunakanlah gambar atau imej yang bersesuaian. Anda boleh muat naik gambar-gambar mengenai produk anda, majlis-majlis yang berkaitan dan juga mungkin mempelawa para pelanggan anda mengirimkan gambar-gambar mereka bersama produk anda.
Bila bersedia, anda boleh memulakan langkah seterusnya untuk 'mencanggihkan' lagi laman tersebut dengan ciri-ciri tambahan yang disediakan oleh Facebook sendiri ataupun melalui pihak ketiga. Ini termasuklah untuk memasukkan video sehinggalah kepada menyediakan kemudahan tempahan dan bayaran secara dalam talian, semuanya melalui laman Facebook itu.
Layari blog hasanihassan.com untuk menyatakan pendapat atau berbincang mengenai penggunaan Facebook dalam meramaikan lagi pelanggan perniagaan anda. Ikuti juga video tentang kelebihan Facebook sebagai medium pemasaran menerusi laman video Utusan Online (http://xtive.utusan.com.my/video.php) mulai hari Khamis, 16 Januari 2012.
Di Amerika Syarikat, jumlah pelawat setiap minggu di Facebook sudah melebihi laman enjin carian terbesar di dunia iaitu Google. Selain daripada impak secara online, kajian juga menjelaskan 1 daripada 5 pasangan bertemu dari laman web Facebook.
Jumlah yang sama juga turut memberi kesan dalam kes-kes penceraian. Facebook kini menjadi satu fenomena yang bukan sahaja memberikan kesan pada dunia online, malah turut mengubah tingkah laku manusia dalam dunia realiti.
Apa yang kita bincangkan di Facebook, akan dibawa sehingga ke perbualan bersama rakan-rakan di kedai makan.
Dari sudut pandang bisnes, ia adalah satu peluang keemasan untuk menarik lebih ramai pelanggan supaya menggunakan produk kita.
Sosial Media #1 – Apa Kelebihan Facebook?
Di Malaysia, pengguna Facebook dianggarkan seramai 11 juta dan lebih 50% daripada jumlah ini berada dalam lingkungan umur yang mempunyai kuasa belian yang kuat. Iaitu sekitar umur 18 hingga 50 tahun.
Sebagai pemilik perniagaan besar atau sederhana kecil, ini adalah peluang yang besar. Kita boleh memanfaatkan Facebook menerusi cara-cara berikut:
Facebook Pages.
Facebook Groups.
Facebook Photo.
Facebook Pages
Facebook Pages ibarat penanda aras untuk mengetahui kekuatan jenama kita di mata pelanggan. Facebook Pages Coca-cola mencatatkan jumlah ‘Like’ sebanyak 42 juta. Ini menandakan mereka mempunyai 42 juta peminat tegar di seluruh dunia.
Dalam masa yang sama, Coca-cola tidak perlu risau untuk melakukan kempen pemasaran. Mereka tidak perlukan kos yang besar untuk memberitahu sebarang promosi terkini.
Kerana setiap kali mereka berkongsi di ruangan Facebook Pages, 42 juta orang ini akan mendapat notifikasi di Facebook mereka.
#2 – Facebook Groups
Facebook Groups ibarat ruangan bantuan sokongan pelanggan di Facebook. Kita boleh wujudkan grup khas untuk membantu pelanggan-pelanggan sedia ada.
#3 – Facebook Photo
Ia boleh digunakan sebagai tempat untuk berkongsi pengalaman bisnes kita. Satu daripadanya adalah memuat naik gambar-gambar produk, testimonial pengguna dan banyak lagi.
Social Media #2 – Kenapa Perlu Ada Twitter
Malaysia merupakan negara keenam yang mempunyai jumlah pengguna Twitter paling ramai, iaitu sekitar 1.1 juta. Sebagai pemilik perniagaan, Twitter adalah satu medium yang memudahkan kita untuk berkomunikasi dengan lebih santai bersama pelanggan.
Syarikat besar di Malaysia termasuk Maybank juga menggunakan Twitter untuk berhubung dengan pelanggan. Malah pemilik-pemilik perniagaan juga mewujudkan akaun peribadi mereka, supaya dapat merapatkan lagi jurang dengan pelanggan-pelanggan menggunakan Twitter.
Satu daripada faktor utama mengapa akaun Twitter penting untuk perniagaan adalah kerana ia mempunyai fungsi viral yang mudah iaitu ‘Retweet’. Pengguna boleh klik pada butang Retweet untuk berkongsi aktiviti Twitter kita.
Ia boleh dilakukan lebih laju daripada Facebook. Pengguna Twitter juga kebanyakannya terdiri daripada golongan-golongan muda.
Facebook & Twitter – Gabungkan Dua Kuasa
Pemilik bisnes yang bijak adalah mereka yang mengambil peluang terhadap potensi untuk mendapatkan lebih ramai pelanggan. Bagi yang tidak mempunyai akaun Twitter untuk bisnes, wujudkan akaun itu sekarang di Malaysia.
Kehadiran perniagaan kita terhadap kedua-dua laman sosial seperti Facebook dan Twitter, dapat membantu meningkatkan jualan dan kepercayaan pelanggan dalam masa singkat.
Fenomena media sosial sudah semakan semarak di Malaysia. Bukan lagi sekadar aktiviti mengisi masa lapang atau menambah kenalan/sahabat, tapi sudah booming menjadi satu wadah promosi perniagaan yang boleh menjana keuntungan jutaan ringgit. Walaupun belum banyak syarikat di Malaysia yang yakin dan percaya dengan platfom seperti Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Blog dan sebagainya... tidak memikirkan langsung mengenai perkara ini akan membuatkan bisnes tersebut akan ketinggalan di masa hadapan.
Kita lihat infografik mengenai sejarah media sosial dalam perniagaan...
MYObiz offers
- a full suite of social media marketing services for your business/brand.
- social media promotion services of managing perception for individual (politician, celebrity, etc) and institution.
We can
- help brand your business online, engage custumers and boost sales.
- help brand your image online, engage fans and boost popularity.
Our services
- media social content (visual and digital design)
- media social management on all platforms
- online marketing and promotion strategy
- search engine optimization
- email campaign

The explosion of social media means business of all sizes have an equal chance to compete for brand awareness. Marketing tools are developing so rapidly, it can be difficult to keep up. Let us implement the most effective online awareness marketing strategy and help manage your next campaign.
Social Media Audits to find out how your online presence ranks compared to others in the industry.
Social Media Planning to develop a strategy for affective social media out reach.
Social Media Campaign Management to autsource you Facebook, Twitter and other platforms and free up your staff time for customers.
Blog Development to develop and refine your blog for search engine optimization and brand awareness.
CLICK HERE for detailed information on our service packages.
Facebook has the greatest impact on consumers purchasing behavior with a whooping 47% of social media users claiming thet it does influence their buying decisions.
45 - 54 years olds are the fasting growing segment in social media. These are the CEOs, senior managers and high level executives that you could trying to reach.
Users that follow companies on social media increase 106%
You don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure out the ever increasing importance of social media in your overall marketing strategy. Let the experts at MYObiz help you attain your goals!
About MYObiz
Online data is growing at an exponential rate every year. Thousands of blogs, videos and Tweets are created and distributed every single day. A digital marketing plan that incorporates social media is not longer an option but a requirement if you are to remain competitive today.
Founded by 2 friends in the internet industry, MYObiz helps businesses define and develop digital strategies that follow a structure, people and ideas and that have real ROI outcomes. We believe that the true value of any digital strategy is to create a community that converts and generates leads and sales for our clients.
Social Media Strategy
Even at this late stage of the game, many businesses are still not taking social media seriously. Many who are implementing these strategies have no formula for adapting to particular customers. At MYObiz, we help businesses get started with social media and evaluate where they are currently and help them along the way.
We help businesses utilize the power of social media marketing and grow their online audiences either through smartphones or tablet devices. Our efforts increase business visibility, website traffic and help develop a loyal fan base. We take time to understand what your clients’ needs are, their challenges, and where they are spending time online. This helps us provide laser focus strategies, break barriers, increase engagement, respond to specific customer needs, and help these businesses become the go-to source in their niches.
We also believe in the power of blogs and their impact on businesses has started to be felt across different industry verticals. An authoritative blog acts as the main channel of regular communication with customers, partners, supplies and investors. By helping businesses develop and refine their blog to make them visible to search engines, we are able to create more interactions with brands with an increased customer engagement and a real ROI.
Content Creation
When it comes to your business, custom solutions that are specific to your particular needs is always our top priority. At MYObiz, we work with many clients and we have come to learn that one size does not fit all when it comes to marketing. Whether it’s your mobile application development needs, website content, design needs or video production, we have you covered.
While creating great content may seem like a straightforward concept, it needs to be backed up by a well-developed strategy to be successful. At MYObiz we approach all content creation strategically taking the distribution channels, content type, industry, and more into consideration.
We liaise with our clients to first determine what goal they have in mind before starting on anything. By defining what success looks like for our clients, we are in a better position to achieve their business goal. Developing such content takes significant time and effort as goals can change or vary based on the market, customer preferences and product and service evolution.
When developing a content strategy, we take time to consider the audience, the online market and social signals. All of this is necessary in order to conceptualize the content.
Whether it’s a press release, a blog post, photo albums, videos, infographics, slideshows, or podcasts, the amount and variety of content that can be created is enormous. In addition to the types of content, we also take content distribution seriously. After all, what is great content without a great content marketing strategy? To ensure that your content reaches the greatest number of potential customers and gets the greatest impact possible, we promote it via various channels where your audiences are participating. These promotions help drive traffic and links back to your online assets.
Our Mission Statement
At MYObiz, we believe in creating value for our clients. We value integrity, honesty and hard work. We are transparent about our work ethics, and how we go about our business. Since we are representing the clients we are working for on the digital web, we take the time to show them the different strategies and initiatives we are taking to help them succeed.
We strongly believe that an informed client is easier to work with and we therefore take time to teach our clients about the various social sites like Facebook, Twitter and Youtube and their ability to impact their business. We take time to learn how these social networks are helping other businesses and educate our clients on the different approaches we intend to undertake.
Since our clients are our most important assets, we take time to listen to them and respond to their queries regarding any of our activities.
Feel free to give us a call or EMAIL US now to get started in improving and enhancing your online presence. We will be happy to help you in every step of the way in dominating the digital and social space.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Everywhere you look on the web today, the spread of social media remains a constant. Clearly, social media is here to stay and your business cannot afford to be left behind. Social activities are driving customer perceptions and purchasing decisions in a huge way. Google and Bing are using social signals extensively in their ranking decisions and the buzz that social conversations are generating cannot be ignored by any business.
This is where we come in. We try to make sense of all that is going on by turning your readers into sales leads and building a meaningful following of evangelists that promote your business. Our solutions and strategies at MYObiz have a tangible return on investment and produce results that drive traffic, sales and revenue for our clients.
Here is a breakdown of what we can do for you:
Social Media Management
Managing your social media presence can be a full-time job that requires a team-based approach with constant effort. Just keeping teams working together and on the same page is a huge task in itself. Most businesses do not have the time or the expertise to manage all their social media channels on their own. It takes real effort to monitor competitor activity, fan activity and establish new ways of engagement.
Our social media management activities include creating content, scheduling its distribution, monitoring its life online and creating engagement around it. On a daily basis, our teams interact with hundreds of individuals, helping you understand your audience and building relationships with your clients. Keeping track of all this information can be a burden if you do not have a dedicated team to help with that. Fortunately, we have what it takes to get it done and keep your business growing.
Content Creation
Social media has always been about sharing engaging content and moving people to spread it. However, you need to have engaging content in the first place before you can share it. Our dedicated team is able to do just that. They are mandated with producing emotionally charged content, whether it’s press releases or blog posts, on a regular basis.
Social media marketing starts with great content that is worth sharing. At MYObiz we offer to write high quality posts as part of our social media marketing that reflect your brand’s product and service offering, and that reflect your company’s culture. Content is also customized to appeal to specific audiences, which further creates engagement among your target audiences on such sites as StumbleUpon, Digg and Facebook.
To keep your brand’s voice consistent, we develop a calendar to help us space out your content throughout the day and week while keeping engagement high at all times. This calendar also helps us to determine what content is lacking, and make informed decisions based on these findings. By use of social media management software, we are also able to schedule your tweets and posts when they are most likely to be seen by followers in order to garner a larger number of likes, retweets and +1s.
Custom Social Media Campaigns
Social media engagement can take many forms beyond just posting and commenting. Running polls, surveys, adding coupons, and using video and graphics to encourage engagement, are other ways we keep your followers coming back. Variety is the spice of life, and in social media, it is the very essence of keeping interest high. When you show your audience that you have more than one or two ways to share content in interesting ways, you come across as being authentic, helpful and interesting, and therefore worth a like, retweet or a +1.
By breaking down the formal barriers of communication by utilizing polls, surveys and games in your social media engagement strategies, you are better able to determine what ticks with your audience and then tailor and adapt your messages using these methods to create an active and engaged following, and keep participation on your social platforms high.
Social Media Analytics and Consultation
Without business intelligence, you can never really tell whether your efforts are proving effective or not. MYObiz aims to offer customers detailed analytics reports about their social media activities to help them determine if they are generating more traffic, leads and a steady loyal following that ultimately converts to customers.
We believe in transparency when it comes to what we are doing for our clients. By offering social media analytics, we are better able to offer advice on what works and what doesn’t. In order to paint a better picture for our customers, we look at the various stats from social media activity and take either a top down or a bottom up approach when advising our customers.
We are also budget-conscious and aim to offer exactly what our customers need without breaking the bank. Our affordable social media marketing packages are accessible to almost any business looking to establish and maintain an online presence. Please visit our packages page to learn more about our prices and plans.
Social media is everywhere. Twitter, Facebook, and more. Millions of people utilize these sites and are ideal targets for marketing. However, some businesses may not have the time, expertise or staff to maintain a social media presence. If this describes your situation, why not consider MYObiz to develop and execute a marketing campaign for you?
If you hire MYObiz, you will be designated a dedicated contact who will become familiar with your products, services, and client base. Each month, we will continue to build relationships, link to important sections within your site, and develop brand awareness.
The Elements of Social Media Marketing
Every package we offer includes these four tested elements.
01 - Strategy
Before we begin any work on your campaign, we conduct research on your industry and ask the relevant questions we need to develop optimum engagement. Your answers to our questions will help us determine who to target online, how to research content for syndication, and help our team position you effectively.
02 - Matching Your Content to Web Demand
Our social media optimization team scours the web for the most popular and useful content related to your business and industry. We create a library of content by monitoring current buzz on social networks, tracking your keywords through programs like Google Alerts and Social Mention. We also follow industry experts and sources in your field.
03 - Engage Your Customer Online
Client interaction is vital for social media – one of the best ways of getting more customers is to drive traffic to your site and have someone who listens to and participates in conversations about your product or service.
04 - Stay Ahead of the Curve
Social media changes extremely swiftly. To ensure your campaign is optimized, you will receive a monthly performance report of metrics like clicks, retweets, network growth, and traffic sources. We continuously monitor your metrics, so we stay abreast of your campaign, and easily make any required changes.
The Right Package for Your Business
We offer several social media marketing packages, all of which incorporate time dedicated to social network building, content research, regular social updates, and monitoring of performance matrices. These components facilitate the primary function of a social media marketing program - communicate, connect, collaborate, and collect.
Graphic/Multimedia Design
If you would custom branding and design work for your profiles, we offer custom graphic design services at RM500 for the first profile, and RM200 per subsequent profile.
Our design rate for general tasks (e.g, coupons, promotions, brochures etc) is billed at RM200/hour.
If you prefer to do your own social media marketing, we offer one-on-one or group training at RM200/hour. If you would like a consultant to be on-site, please provide all travel expenses and arrangement.
Custom Campaigns
There are various situations where a custom campaign is necessary. For example, special product promotions, contests or events. These plans are quoted based on the complexity and project requirements.
At MYObiz, we aim to offer the latest and most effective explanation of social media marketing and the shifts taking place in social media marketing. We have worked to translate technical jargon into plain English and covered the most common questions with comprehensive answers.
What is social media marketing all about?
Basically, social media marketing is the process of gaining attention or web traffic by way of social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook. Ultimately, the goal is to market your products and services, and build your business' brand on the Internet and make social connections with your customers. Other terms used for social media marketing include online marketing, e-marketing, web marketing and social media engagement.
Why does my business need social media marketing?
Social media marketing is not only the way marketing will be done in the future, but it will also become the foundation of successful businesses now. Increasing numbers of businesses are turning into social businesses, because of social networking sites. When you take your brand to where people are, you no longer have to struggle to search for potential clients; you just need to learn how to connect with them.
Social sites are growing at alarming rates. Currently, Facebook has over one billion users, and 15% of online users use Twitter and Google, with over 400 million users in just one year. Some of these users can only be accessed online. By going social, you stand to benefit from this huge potential client base.
Do small businesses really benefit from social media marketing?
Yes. Social media can be used to showcase your small business' products and services and keep users updated on what you have to offer. Social media updates help users stay current on what your business is doing, even with all of the businesses out there.
Taking the time to connect with your clients on social sites also shows that you care and value them, and helps you develop powerful bonds. Small businesses will likely derive the greatest benefit from such relationships when done on a local level.
Which social media sites are most effective?
We aim to look at all social sites when developing your social media strategy. Some industries seem to do well on Facebook, while others have found a home on Twitter. Still others have continued to ride much older sites, like MySpace, successfully. Some relatively new sites, like Pinterest, have worked well for visual industries like culinary sites and clothing stores. We look far and wide when determining which sites fit your industry and what will offer you the best ROI.
How do you guarantee my company’s results if I should hire you?
Many social media marketing agencies claim that there is no guarantee to online marketing, however we guarantee your company’s results with specific parameters and a real ROI. We offer other guarantees beyond brand marketing, which include keeping your business and brand information confidential where necessary, and our commitment to working per the agreed terms.
How frequently should I post on social networks and what duration?
There is no right or wrong way when it comes to posting. There are, however, best practices to consider. Posting when fans are on requires some research and experimenting to ensure your posts are seen on newsfeeds. Twitter lends itself to posting as often as you like, while Facebook requires an experimental approach with fewer updates to avoid coming across as spammy.
A minimum of five days per week is recommended to create engagement. We suggest seven days a week to take advantage of the "weekend fan base." While there are no hard and fast rules for posting, our experience in different industry verticals has proven invaluable in striking a balance as to how frequent and at what duration we schedule posts for our clients.
I am afraid of something negative being said about my brand on social sites. Is my fear justifiable?
This is precisely why YOU NEED to be on social sites. You can never make everyone happy, but you can use negative comments to clear up misunderstandings. The power of social media is the ability to address a situation in front of your audience, which will most likely build confidence in your existing client base.
How does social media marketing affect my organic search results on Google?
Search engines like Google have started to take note of social signals, and their significance in search engine results are clearly evident. Google is able to retrieve your Facebook, Twitter and Google+ posts and display them on search results. When logged in, Google will display even more targeted results. What all this means is that your social media efforts have a direct influence on your search engine rankings.
We help you develop an effective and personalized social media marketing strategy customized to your business needs. Contact us HERE and discover how you can stand out from your industry and competitors with us.
For many small businesses, social media seems like a foreign world that, while popular, does not quite fit their business model or marketing strategy. Some companies believe that there may not be a place or need for brand interaction in this type of forum. But once small businesses better understand social media, they oftentimes embrace this phenomenon with open arms.
Social media is a central part of many people’s lives and it continues to grow. Now, this ever-evolving channel has gone past being merely a platform to interact with people and has become an integral part of marketing strategies for businesses of all sizes. As a small business, leveraging the power of these channels can help build relationships, understand market demands and use content to influence your target market.
To understand how social media can work, you must first understand what social media is. While there are many definitions of social media, it has been defined by various individuals as:
“[A type of] media for social interaction, using highly accessible and scalable communication techniques. Social media is the use of web-based and mobile technologies to turn communication into interactive dialogue.”
This white paper is written with the intention of expanding on this definition and giving you an idea of what it is about this phenomenon that has captured the eyes and hearts of millions of people from all walks of life.
Back to the Future
When some people hear the term “social media,” images of Facebook pages and Twitter feeds pop into their minds. However, social media is so much more and has a history that goes further back than what many consider to be the most recent innovations.
In 1978, the first known social media platform was invented. Known as the BBS, or computerized Bulletin Board System, it was created by Ward Christensen and Randy Seuss as a way to arrange events and share information with their friends. After that, the Internet took the world by storm and by the early 1990s, platforms such as GeoCities, which allowed users to create their own websites, and Blogger, one of the first blogging communities, came to life.
By 1997, AOL had enabled its famous instant messaging service, allowing its users to chat and socialize in an online setting. In 2000, one of the first social network platforms, Friendster, was launched and within three months it had over three million users. In the following years, Google acquired Blogger, and MySpace was launched, throwing Friendster out of the running for most popular social network, while Facebook was in its famous beginning stages in a Harvard dorm room.
Fast-forward only a decade, and now there are over 550 million people on Facebook, 65 million tweets being sent via Twitter each day, 2 billion daily YouTube video views and 1 billion page views per month on Tumblr. These numbers are staggering and only continue to grow as the popularity of social media platforms becomes less of a fad and more of the norm for daily living.
Laying the Foundation
Social media is not the only market that has evolved quickly. Mobile devices that can access the Internet, such as smartphones and tablets, have also exploded in popularity in only a matter of years.
38 million people are using their mobile devices to access social media every day, according to ComScore. This popularity has quickly created a culture of demanding instant gratification. Now, not only are Internet-enabled devices in the palms of millions of people, but so is the ability to engage with other people and businesses. This engagement has allowed people to instantly access social media and use it in a way that has never been seen before. Now, people can let their friends know and give immediate feedback on the establishments they visit. Check-in features allow people to share their location instantly, and status updates give people the ability to promote or complain about your brand in only seconds. To be successful, businesses know that they need to be a part of the conversation to encourage positive interactions online.
So just how big of a deal is social media?
In the past, the primary way that businesses prospected new customers, and potential new clients engaged with those businesses, was through a salesperson. Now, the expectation has shifted along with the increase for instant gratification and engagement through social media. Customers are now engaging with and seeking out companies on social media platforms rather than through sales staff.
Social media is complex. There are five primary characteristics of any social platform. These include:
Participation – Engagement is a key to making any platform social.
Accessibility – Because participation is so highly encouraged, there are rarely any requirements to respond or interact through social media. This ability is accessible to everyone.
Two-Way Dialogue – Conversation is an important part of social media. Unlike the past one-way advertisements, social media is about interaction over solicitation.
Common Interests – The communities that form on social media platforms all do so because of a common interest, such as politics, hobbies or favorite activities.
Connectivity – Regardless of location, if a person has access to the Internet, they can log in and connect anywhere, anytime.
These five characteristics are important to understanding the general overview of what social media is, but to truly grasp its power, you need to know how people are using these platforms.
A lot goes on in the online social world. Because of the number of ways people are interacting online, there are a variety of social platforms where this engagement and interaction occurs. Here are some of the most common types of social media platforms.
Blogs – The term blog is short for weblog. These are places on the web to log information, thoughts, and opinions, or basically anything you want to say on behalf of yourself or your business. They are typically casual in tone and more conversational to encourage comments from readers.
Microblogs – This type of platform limits the number of characters you can use to say your piece. The most popular, Twitter, is used frequently for status updates, to post quick thoughts or to share links to more information with a quick tease to drive traffic.
Networks – Networks allow people to come together in one online community. The most popular include Facebook and LinkedIn.
Wikis – Websites that allow people to engage with the actual content, such as Wikipedia, are known as wikis. They encourage a community effort from anyone on the web to provide the most accurate information possible by collaborating on one website or document.
Content specific communities – These are most commonly used with photos or videos, such as Pinterest, Flickr or YouTube. They encourage networking through a specific form of content.
Podcasts – These are audio or video clips that are shared through subscription-based channels, such as Apple iTunes.
Forums – Forums were perhaps the earliest type of social media and remain somewhat popular still today. This is where people can come together in a community and discuss specific topics.
Now that you have a better overview of what social media is, you may still be unsure of how your business can get involved, or if these platforms are right for your marketing strategy.
But the benefit to companies cannot be ignored.
Startup costs are low - Small businesses in particular have a unique advantage with social media marketing because the cost to get involved is minimal and the benefits are so great. Social media has allowed businesses that operate on a shoestring budget to be where the big players are. Now, small businesses can still interact with their customer base in the same way as major corporations, but without the high costs of advertising that has limited so many startups and smaller companies in the past.
Small businesses increase their exposure – According to a 2012 survey done by Social Media Examiner of small businesses, 85% of marketers said that their social media efforts increased their brand exposure, and 69% said that they saw more traffic to their website by participating in social media efforts. By blogging, engaging on various networks and starting a dialogue with your prospective and current customers, your small business can get exposure to higher quality prospects, which in turn can have a positive effect on your business growth.
Social media can deliver market intelligence – The same study showed that 65% of marketers used social media not only to attract customers, but to also learn about what the market was demanding. Small businesses can be more innovative by learning about their customers through engagement, as well as researching where they visit most. Networks, forums and blogs give honest insight into what customers demand and provide businesses with a unique way to listen to customer needs and expand their offerings to accommodate these new demands.
Small businesses can increase customer loyalty and generate new leads – </em> Your customers expect to find you on social media, and when you are able to engage with them on a regular basis on the platforms where they visit most often, you have the unique ability to establish loyalty to your brand. This loyalty can be shared with their networks of friends and connections. Most of the time, these connections are like-minded and provide you with a higher quality lead than if you were to shotgun your marketing approach to a wider market. With social marketing, you have the unique ability to create loyalty within a specific niche and generate more leads from the people who are most likely to purchase from you.
Now that you understand the benefits, you may still be uncertain if you will have the time to devote to your social media strategy to make it effective. But one of the biggest benefits of social media is the ability to use it as much or as little as you wish. Of course, the more you use it effectively, the better your results.
Here are some of the top ways companies are using social media to their advantage:
Be conversational – Taking your business too seriously on social media will turn people away. Instead, interact as if you were a salesman dialoguing with a potential customer. You would most likely want to ask the customer questions, and engage in a conversation instead of only pushing your message on them. By doing the same on social media, you will see more success.
Provide something of value – Give your customers a reason to engage with you on social media by providing something they will consider valuable. This can be high quality content through blogs, or a discount for being loyal to your brand. No matter what you provide, deliver something that your end customer will appreciate.
Use calls to action – Some parts of marketing never change and calls to action are one of them. You must still ask them to visit your website, call your store, or purchase a product on social media. But instead of flashy buttons on a web page or bright roadside signs, you can use images or text to ask your customer to do what you want them to do.
Keep it a two way street – People don’t want to be talked at on social media; they are on the platforms as a way to engage. Conversations are a two-way street and this should be no different on the social media platforms you use. Converse with your customers and you will get to know their wants and needs, and you may find a new niche market you never knew existed for your business.
As the desire for the instant gratification provided by mobile devices and social media increases, so will the number of people accessing social media on their smartphones. The number of social platforms is also set to increase. From the success of Pinterest in 2011, many experts predict that more multimedia platforms are in the mix and will dominate the market in the coming years, making high quality content, image and video creation more of a necessity.
While the future of social media is hard to predict, one thing is certain; social media is not a fad that is set to go away anytime soon. Instead, it is an important new marketing strategy that, in order to be competitive, small businesses need to embrace fully. -MyoBiz.my